
Hi. I'm Ro.

Welcome to RoMade, a collection of recipes I wrote for family and friends.


One of the special dishes made at any number of Italian households in my neighborhood was cardoons, or as we called them, “gardoons”. When I walked into someone’s kitchen and spotted fried cardoons, I felt I had hit the jackpot. These are one of my favorite treats!

Cardoons look like celery but are from the burdock family. Some say they taste like artichoke hearts but they can be quite bland to be honest. I grew up with them fried, but have since seen them battered or prepared with a béchamel sauce. Below is my version.


  • 1 head cardoon

  • 1/2 cup vinegar

  • 1 cup olive oil

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 cups Italian seasoned breadcrumbs

  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest

  • 1/4 cup corn meal

  • Salt and pepper


Trim the cardoons and cut the stalks in half and then into thin pieces. Boil in salted water with 1/2 cup vinegar for 45 minutes. Drain and dry in a colander.

Whisk eggs together in a dish with a few drops of water. In another plate, mix breadcrumbs and cornmeal. Season with lemon zest, salt and pepper.

Heat oil in a deep frying pan then dip cardoon in the eggs and then completely cover with breadcrumbs. Fry, turning so all sides brown nicely, then remove to a paper towel lined plate. Give a splash of lemon juice and serve.

Walnut Cake

Walnut Cake

Polly Wants These Crackers

Polly Wants These Crackers